Wind Stories
2018 - 2019 - 2020

In September & October 2018, with the intent to build new bridges between 5 communities in Ontario through the arts and community engagement, the Jamii team visited Pikangikum First Nation, Wawa, Michicipoten First Nation and Wolfe Island.
We visited each community with an open mind to allow organic conversations. Our intent was to listen and share our journey with local community arts organizations, meet people, artists and community activists and potentially create something wonderful together in a near future.
Why these communities? Because three Esplanadians have strong ties in each of them: Darren Marshall is from Wawa, Asmita Pal taught in Pikangikum and Kerryn Graham lived with her family in Wolfe Island. All three are our ambassadors on this project and act as connectors between all our people to create genuine dialogue.
Indigenous spoken word artist Mahlikah Awe:ri, Enml'ga't Saqama'sgw has been accompanying Isorine Marc, Executive and Artistic Director of Jamii, along with the ambassadors on each of the visits to these 4 communities.
Click here to find more information about Wind Stories series